Welcome Art Apprentice!
Apprentice [uh-pren-tis]
noun 1. a person who works for another in order to learn a trade: 2. a learner; novice.
We believe one of the best and most powerful ways to cultivate creative, artistic, learning is to study and appreciate those who have gone before us, the Masters.
The Apprentice Art Studio is a platform of on-line art classes, live art classes, workshops, summer art camps, resource materials, and a supportive, creative community for learning art. Our hands-on teaching approach utilizes different mediums and integrates the Elements of Art and Principles of Design in an exciting and engaging art curriculum. Our goal is to give students a strong foundation of art history and creative skills to become life-long makers of beauty.
Join us and learn like an Apprentice!
NEW! Visit the Art Museum
This part of the website takes the guesswork out of finding a virtual art lesson or museum visit. Check out the valuable resource and bookmark it you will be going on many virtual field trips this year, I just know it!
My Little Shop
I am glad you found my little corner of the internet!
Here is where you will find my educational products and resources to use in your homeschool or classroom. All of my products are created with art in mind either as an extension activity, an art lesson or to use as an art resource or reference material. Art can be incorporated into all subject areas and enhance learning in so many positive ways for your students. Here is a great blog post on that from a classical education perspective, if you are interested.
Would you like to try a free lesson?
First things first. If you are unsure and would like to give us a try, start here. This is one part of our drawing lesson that spotlights Van Gogh and his mark-making style. In a letter to his brother and friend, Theo, Van Gogh said this, “Drawing is the root of everything.” We couldn’t agree more.