Why is Art Important to (Classical) Education?
Why is art important to classical education?
Well simply put, classical education, is a liberal arts education. One of its central pillars is igniting a child’s wonder and curiosity to the good, the true, and the beautiful. Art definitely checks this box, but it is more than that.
Steve Turley in his book Awakening Wonder: A Classical Guide to Truth, Goodness, and Beauty describes this awakening of the soul and classical education this way: “the recovery of classical education has an enormous opportunity, for it has recovered the frames of reference for a truly beautiful art that redeems the senses and prepares us for our resurrection.” Turley adds, “By exploring examples of various metaphors, analogies, and parallels for our students, they can begin the formative process, the morphosis, of being awakened to seeing the totality of life as an integrative expression of the glory of God.”
In other words, art in its many forms is the voice that travels through time, it is a voice from far away lands and unique cultures. I believe visual art can also provide a student with several other things.
Art and art appreciation can develop the following in your student:
The Power of Observation and Awareness:
Observation and awareness are skills that can serve your student well regardless of what they are studying. In our high-tech image-focused world observation, connected to awareness is powerful. It allows students to slow down, notice details, focus, ask meaningful questions, make connections and appreciate the aesthetic of the artwork and the skills of the artist.
Identification of Meaning and Symbolism:
Art often has a larger narrative and speaks to a much broader subject. Sometimes it is connected to the political climate of the time, or social injustice, oppression, or liberation. These big ideas are connected to big conversations, linking students in different ways to our humanity throughout time. Art is sometimes based on personal commentary or documenting the artist’s everyday life too, or just capturing a moment of pure beauty.
Develop the Discipline of Higher Thinking:
As students observe and learn about a work of art, they begin to train their minds to evaluate, see its context, compare, analyze, recognize similarities and differences, synthesize, and critique the artwork. Art becomes a catalyst for developing these skills and then using them in other areas of study.
Inspire Creativity:
Of course, looking at beautiful and interesting things ignite our own creativity. Another pillar in classical learning is modeling. Using examples from the masters. Showing a student the finest of humanity begins their own journey of excellence. If you are going to fill the mind of a child, why not do it with truth, goodness, and beauty?
Develop a Different Way to Learn - Art and Integration into your curriculum:
I enjoy integrating every subject I teach with art, yes even math! Something magical happens when children process learning through a project. As a teacher, it is one of the best ways I know to make it all “stick”. Art connected to other subjects helps the student to empathize and make connections with themselves while considering deeper concepts, self-awareness, spirituality, and emotions. It is often talked about as “a way of seeing”. We use our brains differently when we create. We are more relaxed and our intuitiveness and ability to express ourselves are heightened.
One way to do this is to continually place in front of children things of beauty with a rich storyline.
We can do this in meaningful ways in the liturgies we practice around our dinner tables, to the way we organize our vacations. Let us talk of heroes of the faith and men and women who made noble decisions and courageous choices. Classical education is the game-changer, cultivating our inner affection to the good, true, and beautiful. This summer as you prepare to reconnect with your homeschooling and learning for the fall make art integration a priority. Here are a few ways to do this, creating the perfect art lesson, this resource guide shows you how to do this HERE. Visit my Shop HERE, all my lessons integrate art with other subjects including Art and Literature, Art and Math, and well, just Art Lessons, too. All the work is done for you and several include audio readings, and project videos, and all have downloadable instructions and patterns. Also, consider going on a Virtual Field Trip or a Virtual Art Exhibit and Visit a Museum on my website. This will get beautiful artwork in front of your student, then let them feast.