So Will I
My radio alarm broke through my sleep and I was coaxed from the cosmos of rest, with a song:So will I. The simple melody began to gain my attention and then in the hearing of my ears came the word creation...
"God of creation, there at the start, before the beginning of time... no point of reference, You fleshed out the wonder of light..."
I am captivated.
"and as You speak, a hundred billion galaxies are born, in the vapor of Your breath the planets form..."
I have been praying and preparing for a made. Creative Gathering this April with the women of Lighthouse Christian Church , collecting my thoughts for the opening portion, that talks about how we are all creative. As I keep listening, my heart is stirred with the picture painted about God's creation. Yet in His love for me, I am created in His Image and given this gift of creativity. How can I not couple it with my faith and the Gospel of Christ to speak life into peoples lives? This is what we do at a made. Creative Gathering. We connect faith with the creative process for deeper understanding of our Creator.
And believe it or not, it is all encompassed in this song in an instant for me.
"I can see Your heart in everything You say, every painted sky the canvas of Your Grace..."
So powerfully crafted are these words, that my chest tightens and my breathing begins to labor.
My eyes well with tears of awe.
I can hardly articulate it now in hindsight. What I can say, is that I entered my day completely different than the day before.
"where a 100 billion failures disappear, where You lost your life so I might find it here...If You left the grave behind You, so will I"
By the end of the song, with my tear streaked face and forgiven battle scars, I make my way to the shower.
"You're the One who never leaves the one behind."
songwriters: Joel Houston / Benjamin Hastings / Michael Fatkin
My response, So. will. I.
Please listen HERE. You won't be the same.
Full Lyrics HERE
P.S. Women of Lighthouse get ready for a day I pray will leave you changed.