Calligraphy- The Roman Hand Classical Art Education, Medieval Art, The Apprentice AtelierMrs. WOctober 16, 2014Calligraphy, Column of Trajan, Roman Architecture, Roman Calligraphy hand, ancient Rome, ancient art, ancient ruins, apprentice with the masters Immanuel Co-op, medieval artComment
A Work of Art, The Medieval Manuscript and The Book of Hours Medieval Art, Classical Art Education, The Apprentice AtelierMrs. WSeptember 30, 2014HIS Co-op class, apprentice with the masters Immanuel Co-op, apprentice with the masters art class, book of hours, illuminated letter art, illumination art, illumination, medieval manuscripts Comment
Mosaic Making Medieval Art, Classical Art Education, The Apprentice AtelierMrs. WSeptember 21, 2014 Comment
Iconography...Icon-what-ery??? Medieval Art, The Apprentice Atelier, Classical Art EducationMrs. WSeptember 16, 20142014 art class, Byzantine Empire, Byzantine art, Iconcgrapy, Iconic art, Mosaic, medieval art Comment
First Things First! Elements of Art, Classical Art Education, The Apprentice Atelier, The Studio, Tips of the TradeMrs. WSeptember 8, 2014HIS Co-op class, apprentice with the masters Immanuel Co-op, apprentice with the masters class, art 2014, art class, art vocabulary, artComment
Medieval Art and Another School Year Begins The Apprentice Atelier, Classical Art EducationMrs. WAugust 11, 20142014 art class, apprentice with the masters art class, apprentice with the masters art, art box supplies, art supplies list, common tools list, materials list, medieval artComment
More on Rome! Ancient Art, Classical Art Education, The Apprentice AtelierMrs. WMay 3, 2014Column of Trajan, Roman Architecture, ancient Rome, ancient ruins, apprentice with the masters art class, carving toolsComment
Friends....Romans....Countrymen! Let's learn about Roman Architecture Ancient Art, Classical Art Education, The Apprentice AtelierMrs. WApril 27, 20142014 art class, Roman Architecture, ancient Rome, ancient art, ancient ruins, apprentice with the masters art class, classical education art, classical education, columns, sculputre, three ordersComment
Spring Break Challenge Art Challenge, Classical Art Education, The Apprentice AtelierMrs. WApril 2, 2014Challenge, Spring, ancients, apprentice with the masters art, art classComment
Black work-Red work which is it? Yes it is Greek Ancient Art, Classical Art Education, The Apprentice AtelierMrs. WMarch 19, 2014Ancient Greece, Ancient Greek pottery, apprentice with the masters art class, clay, firing techniques, potteryComment
Introduction to Minoan Arts and Crafts Ancient Art, Classical Art Education, The Apprentice AtelierMrs. WMarch 8, 2014Minoan art work, ancients, apprentice with the masters art class, bull leapers, dolphins, minoan patterns, minoansComment
Chinese Calligraphy-Introduction Ancient Art, Elements of Art, Classical Art Education, The Apprentice AtelierMrs. WFebruary 6, 2014Calligraphy, Chinese, Four Treasures, ancient art, apprentice with the masters art classComment
Christmas Break Art Challenge The Apprentice Atelier, Elements of Art, Classical Art EducationMrs. WDecember 22, 2013Comment
Frontalism Ancient Art, Classical Art Education, The Apprentice AtelierMrs. WDecember 4, 20132013-2014 art class, apprentice with the masters art class, eygptian art, frontalism, papyrusComment
Ancient Art and Culture The Apprentice Atelier, Classical Art EducationMrs. WNovember 25, 20132013-2014 art class, Azule, Babylon, Gates of Ishtar, Lions, Mosaic tiles, Mosaic, Nebuchadnezzar, apprentice with the masters class, classical education artComment