Making Lessons~Altered Books Class Making Lessons, Personal Artwork, The Apprentice Atelier, The StudioMrs. WOctober 30, 2015November, altered books, art lessons, art, artwork, books, making lessonsComment
Online Registrations- Life Just Got a Little Easier! Classical Art Education, Making Lessons, Personal Artwork, The Studio, The Apprentice AtelierMrs. WAugust 13, 2015Tacoma art classes, The Apprentice Art Studio, adult classes, art classes for 2015-2016, art students, drawing, making lessons, session 1, watercolor paintingComment
The Apprentice Art Studio is Finished! Personal Artwork, The Studio, The Apprentice AtelierMrs. WAugust 10, 20152015-2016 school year, South Puget Sound Art classes, Tacoma art classes, The Apprentice Art Studio, apprentice with the masters art class, art class, art lessons, home school artComment
A New Space for The Apprentice Studio and Apprentice with the Masters Art Class Personal Artwork, The Apprentice Atelier, The StudioMrs. WJuly 20, 20152015-2016 school year, New studio space, The Apprentice Studio, apprentice with the masters art, art lessons, artComment
Hello Summer! End of the Year ~ Things to Think On Classical Art Education, Personal Artwork, The Apprentice AtelierMrs. WJuly 10, 2015Comment
Would you like to see what I have been working on...? Personal ArtworkMrs. WSeptember 3, 2013painting, pears, personal artwork, personal, summer class, summer training, watercolor painting, watercolor, waterlilyComment
Watercolor Peony Personal ArtworkMrs. WAugust 3, 2012art class, art, flowers, peony, personal artwork, summer, watercolor painting Comments