How are you Wintering? Let's chat!
Gosh, it has been a while my art friends, let’s get cozy and catch up!
For the most part, the art studio has been quiet this winter. I have been organizing the studio (boy does it need it!) and when clearing out my yarn basket, I came across a forgotten project that I have decided to finish. It is a crocheted sampler blanket I had started when the kids were little. At the time, I was teaching myself several crochet stitches and decided to use the swatches to make a blanket.
Well with most things, life got in the way, and it was no longer a priority. So, as they say, ’there is no time like the present’ and I have taken a more formal approach to see about actually making this into a quilt.
Photo by Heather Wombacher
This is my “formal approach “ and design. Photo by Heather Wombacher
Truth be told this winter has been really difficult for me this year. I had lost sight of some things and this project is one that has helped me get back on track a bit. I am coming out of my icy thaw with a heart that longs for the chatter of the bird song and the chartreuse shoots of spring.
I feel like I am not alone in this. I know that the long gray days of the Pacific Northwest lends itself to feelings of lethargy and low mood in many people, commonly known as the "winter blues." If this is you, I’m right there with you!
Below are a few suggestions that I am practicing to help combat these emotions and bring a healthy, balanced, sense of well-being during the dismal winter months.
Regular physical activity, such as indoor workouts or participating in winter sports, can notably uplift your spirits and vitality.
Increasing your exposure to natural light through spending time outdoors during the day. I have been hiking with a friends on the weekend rain or shine.
Use light therapy lamps to help regulate circadian rhythms and alleviate symptoms of seasonal affective disorder. (I have not done this however I have friends who have done this with success.)
Maintaining a well-rounded diet rich in vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, I’m still trying to regulate the sugar hold of Christmas ‘23.
Seeking social support with regular activities you and your friends do together.
Practicing mindfulness. Try using an app like Headspace, Calm or Smiling Mind. These apps can help you initiate the healthy habit of contributing to a sense of mental and emotional wellness throughout the winter period.
Having trouble shaking the winter blues this year? It might be time to ask for help from a professional like Brightside.
The end of winter is coming, it always does, and we can rest in the knowledge that with the hardening off of winter come the beautiful blooms of spring. Hang on we are going to make it!