A Student of Beauty
Whoa it has been awhile since I have written here... lots has changed in my life this past year but one thing hasn't (I am sure many of you know where I am going with this) the constant love of our Savior! I have been reminded time and time again of His goodness to me.While I have had some down time this summer (I got a job as a teacher last fall-see what I mean, glorious goodness!) I have been doing a Bible study from if:equip called Reflections of God: The Theology of Beautyand it talks about the following practice of becoming a student of beauty. It is my mission this summer and hopefully beyond, to quietly begin a practice of writing down 5 things of beauty everyday.
Today's 5 things of beauty:
Happy art students
The color of ice tea
Suzanne's white hair
paint on my fingers
The verse seek and ye will find from Matt. 7:7 or from Jeremiah 28:13 talk about this. As a student of beauty I will begin to live and practice this into my everyday life. I want to see with eyes of the Savior. Will you join me?